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What is your career? Or what have you been dreaming to become in the near future? It’s possible to fulfill your career if you give yourself to right principles to follow, a lot of people are striving to fulfill their dreams, the best thing that can ever happen to you is when you fulfill what you long to be.

I have a couple of great advise for anyone out there seeking to pursue a career in future, in my walk I have discovered that over seventy percent of people in this world failed to fulfill what there dream to become due to circumstances of life like financial problems to pay for a course they desired to do, and many other reasons out there.
Now how do you escape these issues from affecting you to become what you always want to become, here I share 7 steps to help you fulfill your career in future. We have a broken life now because they are people with broken dreams, people who did not achieve anything, imagine the difference and success we would enjoy if everyone fulfilled their dreams, passions and career.
Here are what I call the 7 steps of a successful career;

·        FOCUS.

Focus is placing your eyes in one direction and not wavering or shaking. A lot of people have dreams but few of them are focused to fulfill their dreams, all those that drive cars without focus end up in accidents, all those flying planes without focus end up crushing, all those building big/small projects without focus end up falling, all those with dreams, careers and passion still need focus to make it in life.

·        STUDY.

The Christian bible puts it this way; study to show thyself approved of God. Studying is one of the great problems dream chasers have, if you want to become a doctor, study materials of a doctor build the level of your knowledge, people think studying starts in university, that is wrong even before university if you are focused to become what you want, you will focus on studying in advance and building yourself to make things easy for yourself. If you are having financial problems in this blog I share a a lot of ideas on how to start a business or find a Job, read through am sure you will come up with the best business idea. After raising few monies start a simple online course and educate yourself, find a cheap course which offer certificates and then that will open more and more opportunities for you.

·        TIME.

They is a saying that goes like time wasters are dangerous. This saying simply means value your time know whom to have time with, it is YOUR TIME and not anyone else so measuring how much time you have to prepare for that great future is a very powerful tool. Imagine you are supposed to be home by 11:00 pm in the night and you are remaining with thirty minutes just imagine how fast you will be walking just to be home in time, put the same principle on your career, if you know you only have three years remaining, you would panic to do your best to become what you dream to be.

·        CONNECT.

You cannot interact with someone with a dream away from you and expect to be encouraged to pursue yours. Birds of the same feather flock together, as they flock they find water and food together, so that the day one bird will be alone it will know where to find water. But as humans we are different we hang out with people who have dreams far different from as and expect to be focused. Connect to right people, sometime you need encouragement from people who have already fulfilled what you pursue.

·        WORK HARD

Working hard is not wrong, everyone whom you see on top passed through the same phase you are going through, spend time working on your dreams and visions, dreams are what you dream to be when you are unconscious and visions are pictures you see when you are in your right state there is a difference, work hard put on the best to become a doctor, lawyer, political leader, business man or any other job you wish to fulfill

·        COPY.

have inspirations or raw models to follow, in any field you pursue there is always someone who fulfilled it once, so copying or following there steps will actually open opportunities for you, if you do not have any raw model around you find one by studying on Google platform, definitely you will be encourage to fulfill your passion daily.

·        BUILD YOUR CV.

CV is simply called curriculum vitae, it’s important that your cv be encouraging because when opportunities come they come at a time when you least expect them, so be prepared there lots of courses you can do online to add meaning to your cv, it opens doors for great jobs and businesses. I have a powerful post on building your CV kindly learn and follow the steps.
These points are above are what has been my keys to fulfill anything I want or dream about, thanks.

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