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What business should i do in 2020


Consider starting a business in 2020.

This idea will need all your strength and sacrifice because there is need for money. How much you invest in determines how much you will gain as profit, the bigger the capital the bigger the profit

What business should you start?

Work cannot do it alone, you need something that is beyond work like a business, many people want to start a business but there out of ideas, a business that solves peoples problems is a business that has daily large profits, find what people in your area really need and then supply it to them, don’t be shy be bold because a business that solves people’s needs is a very powerful business.

1. Target people’s needs:
A business that solves people’s needs a is a very powerful business, so you need to do your research of your country’s needs.

2. Go online:
this means you need to realize the growth of the world wide web and start online business, do your research and invest, platforms like blogs, creating websites, online courses, affiliate marketing, freelancing on platforms like up work, ferver and many more, advertising companies products on your blog and sponsored post can really bring you good money.

3. Open a college;
this year a lot of people want to improve their cv so those investing in colleges and universities are making money, looking at the current situation where we have school leavers looking for courses to do, that’s a need you can solve by registering a college and start teaching common courses, people think registering a college is tough its easy if you put all your documents ready, learning space ready, your teaching materials and curriculum should also be ready, check how much is needed as this is different from country to country, this is a very good idea and can bring you a lot of income.

4. Study Forex:
This year those doing Forex will make more money because the markets are changing and markets are increasing in number every day,  so Forex investment is becoming cheaper and cheaper, Forex is like earning free money once you know how  to do it. You will enjoy your investment.

Platforms for Forex are a lot, and very soon am going to be holding a Forex seminar where I will be sharing on how you can be a pro in doing Forex.

5. Computer services;
Consider providing computer services these can help you because a lot of people want computer services like music in phones, phone flashing printing and typing, stationary services, computer repair, and website creation. There are still lots of services like logo creation, graphic design, data entry and Photoshop services.

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