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working it out



According to Wikipedia (Wiktionary) principle is a concept or value that guide for behavior or evaluation. In law, it is a rule that has to be or usually is to be followed, or can be desirable followed.

A principle is something you set to follow in order to accomplish something you have planned, you can’t be rich without principles, you need to set boundaries in order to accomplish your vision, the body is naturally lazy so when you set principles you allow your body to work hard.

Here are some of the principles you need to have as a successful business owner.

1. Deal with money;
This principle works in terms where you have capital to invest in a business
But their other problems around you. The principle is that when you
Invest you are planting and after some time you reap. Do not be moved by
Problems for they will always be there, you can solve them when your
Investment reaps.

2. Take risks;
Business men are risk takers, because on every investment you make they
is a benefit on the other hand a risk. Risk of losing your money can be high
but if you have studied the business you still stand a chance to prosper.
You must be ready to risk your money for you to build wealth in your life.

3. Reinvestment;
the secret to business growth is reinvestment, they are people who had
Businesses and for years they haven't been using the profit, what they
do is Re investing over and over again. This is the secret to business growth if you do not have more money to invest in.

4. Involve marketing;
Marketing is a powerful tool that can make your product famous but it is so costly, you have to use a lot of money for marketing but once you done, your product will have a lot of customers than before, you see at first it was risk but the result is beneficial, you must be a risk taker.

5. Have partners;
Wealth people know that two brains are better than one, poor people  
Don’t trust anyone in terms of partnering that's why they fail in business. Partnership was meant for helping each other carry the stone that you cannot carry yourself.

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