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 This story has been trending on social media, where a pastor was seen on video shaving woman church members and washing their private parts, this video is so disturbing and has made Christianity look fake.

people have been sharing this video all over social media and non-believers who speak against the work of God are now happy that this is exposed, for this to show up on social media it means this has been happening for some time.

some people are saying this is happening because people lack the knowledge of the word of God, as a result of being deceived into wrong doctrines, investigations are still going on concerning this particular video of this so-called pastor washing private parts of ladies and shaving.

we are in the last days and if we are to know the truth of what God is saying in his word we need to study the scriptures so that we are not deceived by fake prophets, the bible makes it clear that you shall know them by their fruits, if the fruits are bad and not from the holy spirit then it's fake.

genuine men of God are there and so do not follow the crowd into judging anyone, know your limits and follow not a man unless you see christ in him, this is so touching looking at the ladies involved in the same act look so respectable, and people are saying ladies need to go back to the word and avoid being desperate to avoid such acts with false prophets. leave your thoughts in the comments and video below.

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