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Fourth President of zambia Rupiah Banda diagnosed with cancer

Fourth President of Zambia Rupiah Banda diagnosed with cancer

  Fourth President of Zambia Rupiah Banda diagnosed with cancer

The fourth president of Zambia dr rupiah b banda has announced this morning that he has been diagnosed with colon cancer, he said he felt that he should be open and announce to the people of Zambia that once gave him an opportunity to lead the nation of Zambia.

H e said only his family members knew about his condition but it would be better if the whole nation at large knows about it and stands with him in prayers, he said his first wife as we all know died of cancer and his current wife also got cancer but she overcame.

in faith, he asked everyone even as they are fasting and praying on the 18th October 2020 to remember him in prayers, lets all pray for him for there is nothing God can fail to do, below is his message.

"I have been moved to make this announcement taking into consideration that, although this is a personal and private matter which was actually only known by my relatives, including two sisters, Mrs. Velesi Katema, Mrs. Seba Zulu, my younger brother James Banda and my children here in Zambia and diaspora led by my eldest son James Banda.

the Zambian people who honored me with the privilege to serve them as Head of State for which I will remain forever grateful and indebted, deserve to know that I have been diagnosed with cancer of the colon," President Banda said.

And President Banda said he is however confirmed that he will fight the battle just as his wife Thandie did.

He has since asked Zambians to remember him in prayers.

"Most importantly as the nation will no doubt recall that I lost my first wife Hope Makulu Banda to cancer and as fate would have it, my wife Thandie Chilongo Banda is a cancer survivor. Therefore, her counsel, encouragement, and support born out of her own experience after having successfully battled this type of disease is a great source of inspiration and comfort to me." RB.

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