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Amazon has online products and online store, where people can buy online and their products can be shipped to their address, business for amazon is 24/7 and amazon is looking for serious people to do affiliate marketing with them, amazon associate has 

changed a lot of people's lives and you can be next in line to be changed.
I am going to show you Step by step how to open amazon associate account and start marketing the products you get from amazon.
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1.     HAVE A PLATFORM – this is very important in the sense that you need to build trust with your audience, amazon associate can do with physical customers and mostly online customers and to reach online customers you need a platform where your customers will meet you. There a different platforms online where you can be selling your products and these platforms are social media sites and blogs sites, many use such platforms to have fun.

But if you are serious about making money use social media to make money it’s a powerful tool to reach millions of people at once and you will never regret, so prepare your social media page both on Facebook and Twitter and open a YouTube channel and having a good following on social media is not easy in that a lot of people have different interests, to get alike you need to reach someone with a similar interest as yourself, and Facebook has a good way of helping you reach people with your interest Facebook uses cookies to advertise your page to people with similar Interest and that’s why you see that Facebook only advertise products that  You seem to be always searching for, it’s their tactic to help you as an affiliate marketer.

so work on your social media page and pay ads to Facebook and you will reach a lot of people, if its YouTube the same formula works pay for ads to reach people with your interest.

2.     HAVE A GOOGLE ACCOUNT – to start up with amazon associate you need an email account and making one is so easy, just go on google and search Gmail creation, click the first link and create your email account. Every account you want to open with any online business you need to use your email account.

3.     OPEN AMAZON ASSOCIATE ACCOUNT -  amazon associate account gives you access to millions of Amazon products to affiliate and you need to select ones that are in your niche in order to reach customers faster, using this strategy millions of people have made money and you can be one of them. To select a good niche to go on google and search for common topics of interests  and use them as your niche, if a lot of searches are going for diabetes medicine,  then go for it and use it as your niche, thou they are competition but you are at luck of reaching a good number of customers

4.     BUILD YOUR SOCIAL MEDIA FOLLOWING – Your social media following is the major source of your customers, so having a good following on social media is a major move in making money in affiliate marketing, this works for any affiliate marketing do not be lazy to share your page or pay ads for your page that is a major source of your customers, not only are you going to make money using a page but you can also join communities like groups with the same niche you have, and when you share your content with them, they will be able to buy your products.

5.     BUILD TRUST – trust is very important when it comes to business, you always want to buy products from people you trust, so when you join communities on Facebook or any other social platforms make sure you interact with people on those communities and build trust through engagement, and then when you do so it will be easy for you to recommend your product.

6.     KEEP SHARING – after you know that you are now trusted, then you can now affiliate your amazon products, either its books or maybe something else, after sharing note every comment on your post and persuade people to buy, to do this it takes seriousness and commitment, if you are not serious or committed you can miss out a lot of these opportunities.

7.     HAVE AN EMAIL LIST -  getting peoples emails has not been an easy thing to do, due to the rise of phishing attacks in peoples account, you can get emails from your trusted customers and send them professional emails for them to buy your products, 50.6% of people spend half a day using their emails and it’s an easy way to reach them, email marketing is not easy in that you need to be a good marketer to close sales, you need to write good quick professional emails to be successful.

Doing these seven tips will help you make 100 dollars or more in affiliate marketing with amazon, follow this blog for more leave a comment and subscribe to our YouTube channel.

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