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Your CV is your employee first impression of you, so deal with the issue before applying for that Job, they always say, ‘’first impression matters a lot’’, if you are to get that Job instantly you just need to work on your CV in order to impress the employer.
A very weak CV will not give you a chance in that job you are applying, in my experience in Job haunting I have discovered that improving my CV opened me to big opportunities, I am one of the people who applied for a Jobs and I was never called, but when I started doing a review of my documents.
 I discovered a lot was missing, I had only few papers and my CV had no Job experience, so started doing different courses in IT networking and doing small simple Jobs just to increase my qualifications and my job experience, and by the time I was clocking a year I had a very good and encouraging CV.
It wasn’t long after that i got a good Job and am now happy, but I know these skills I used are the ones you need to use to get that powerful Job you have always wanted.
Here are few points you need to do check before applying.

1.     Qualification.

Do you have enough qualification for the Job you are applying for? They is no magic about it, if it’s a degree the employer wants in most cases he won’t change his mind on that, so the best thing you can do to help yourself by improving on your weaknesses, if you don’t have money find few dollars and do online courses it really helps.

2.     Experience.

Job experience is also one important factor you should consider, most employers want to hire someone with experience so that they won’t start orienting them over and over again, now how does it work? It works like this any job that comes your way, so long it’s a little bit good join it. Don’t be like people who always say I can’t do certain Jobs because am a graduate, do any Job that comes your way for experience sake, you are adding something to your cv. Most employers are employing people with experience so work on that quickly.

3.     Skills

Employers also check how many skills you have, so you need to include skills on your CV as well, do not put false skills because during interview you may be tested to demonstrate your skill, because it will be a shame if you fail to demonstrate your skills. Skills add more advantage to your CV, if you don’t have skills start developing them, no one is born with a skill we both learn skills as we grow and meet different experiences.

So click on the link below and check out different templates for cv / resume here 

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